拼音:hé jiě英文解釋:
accommodate; bury the hatchet; compromise; make up; propitiate; transaction【經】 amicable settlement; compromise
(1) ∶平息紛爭,重歸於好。今法律上指當事人約定互相讓步,不經法院以終止爭執或... >>查看“和解”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.reconciliation 2.propitiation 3.compromise 4.makeitup 5.reconcile 6.kissandbefriends 7.rapprochement 8.accommodate 9.makeup 10.amicablesettlement 11.cometoasettlement 12.burythehatchet 13.makeitupwith 14.[slang]toburythehatchet 15.madeitupwith 16.cometoterms漢語造句:
- 已達成和解。An amicable settlement was reached.
- 雙方並非在每一點上意見都一致,但已達成和解。The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.
- 雙方能互讓和解嗎?Can the two sides reach a compromise?
- 彼特和湯姆最後和解了。Peter and Tom finally made up in the end.
- 他那封信里使用了表示和解的言辭。His letter was couched in conciliatory terms.
- 兩國之間的政治和解已經取得進展。Progress has been made towards a political compromise between the two nations.
- 他使舊時的仇敵和解了。He brought about reconciliation between former enemies.
- 我們已盡了最大努力希望促成雙方和解。We've tried our best to effect reconciliation between the two parties.