拼音:hēi dì 英文解釋:
【醫】 dark background中文解釋:
(1).焚燒後的焦土。《六韜·火戰》:“ 武王 曰:‘敵人燔吾左右,又燔吾前後... >>
查看“黑地”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 我覺得昏天黑地。
I suddenly felt everything went black.
- 昏天黑地的生活
a dissipated life
- 昏天黑地的, 山路更不好走。
It was more difficult to make our way up the mountain in pitch darkness.
- 意為“從黎明到黃昏”,如:“我起早貪黑地外出打獵。”
B efore daw n to after dusk.“I w as outhunting from can?tsee to can?tsee.
- 吉黑地區新石器時代玉器探究
A Preliminary Study of the Neolithic Jade in the Area of Ji-Hei
- 你如果再這樣起早貪黑地幹活,你會病倒的。
If you go on burning the candle at both ends, you will be ill.