拼音:hé guǒ英文解釋:
drupe; stone fruit【醫】 drupe; nuces; nucis; nut; nux
果實類型之一。外果皮薄,中果皮多汁,內果皮木質化形成核,裡面包著種子。如梅、桃、... >>查看“核果”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.stone-fruit 2.drupefruit 3.kernelfruit例句:
- 離核果實一種核沒連在果肉上的水果,尤指桃子A fruit, especially a peach, that has a stone not adhering to the pulp.
- 核果樹A drupaceous tree
- 小核果的核桃或櫻桃等水果的果核The stone or pit of certain fruits such as the peach or cherry.
- (有核果實)去核的。(of fruits having stones) having the stone removed.
- 離核果實一種核沒連在果肉上的水果,尤指桃子A fruit, especially a peach, that has a stone not adhering to the pulp