- 對核動力鐵道機車和汽墊船已做了研究,但這些套用一般被認為,往好里說也是徒勞。
Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts, but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best.
- 儘管有這些問題,但是核動力在1984年供給的電約占美國用電總量的13%。
But in despite of these problems, nuclear power provided about13 percent of America's electricity in1984.
- 他對核動力的優越性做了闡述。
He made an exposition of the advantages of nuclear power.
- 一顆核動力衛星的破碎解體
the disintegration of a nuclear-powered satellite
- 新型核動力推進裝置堆芯系統研究
A Study on Core System of New Type Nuclear Powered Propulsion Installation
- “第二核紀元”與核動力堆發展前景
The Second Nuclear Era and the Prospects of Power Reactor Developments