- 合唱隊加入到獨唱中去的歌曲的一部分。
the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers
- 領唱者希臘合唱隊的領唱者
The leader of a Greek chorus
- 與合唱隊或唱詩班有關,由合唱隊或唱詩班表演,或為合唱表演而創作。
related to or written for or performed by a chorus or choir.
- 論基層合唱隊的鋼琴伴奏
On Piano Accompaniment In Amateur Chorus
- 合唱隊或管弦樂隊的指揮
The leader of a choir or an orchestra.
- 歌劇合唱隊女演員
A chorus girl
- 晚餐後,我們打算在禮堂觀看大學合唱隊的演出。
Afterward, we plan to hear the University Glee Club at Auditorium.
- 與合唱隊或唱詩班有關,由合唱隊或唱詩班表演,或為合唱表演而創作。
related to or written for or performed by a chorus or choir