拼音:hé bìng英文解釋:
unite; ombination; incorporate; amalgamate; annexation; coalitionconsolidation; meld
【計】 conflation; converging; merge; merging
【醫】 incorporate; incorporation
【經】 amalgamation; combination; conglomerate; consolidate; embody; fusion
incorporate; integration; merge
見“ 合併 ”。亦作“ 合併 ”。1.結合到一起。《莊子·則陽》:“丘山積卑而... >>查看“合併”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 你關於最近的手機公司合併怎么看?GS: What are your thoughts on recent mobile mergers and acquisitions?
- 這兩位執行長(高級主管;業務負責人)會面以探討(兩家公司)合併的可能性。The two executives met to explore the possibility of a merger
- 董事長拒絕了有關合併事宜的任何協商。The board turned down all approaches on the subject of merger.
- 合併,結合結合成一個統一體或整體;結合To combine into a unified or integrated whole; unite.
- 惠普跟康柏合併成一家公司。A: HP and Compaq merged into one company
- 獲得性免疫缺陷綜合徵合併中耳感染的臨床觀察The clinical observation of otitis media infection in patients with AIDS
- 合併房室傳導阻滯58.8%。The ratio of AVB is 58.8%.
- 這兩位執行長(高級主管;業務負責人)會面以探討(兩家公司)合併的可能性。The two executives met to explore the possibility of a merger.