拼音:hǎo shǐ 英文解釋:
be convenient to use; work well中英例句:
- 我一直抽菸,好使我不去想自己有多么孤獨和焦慮。
I have been smoking to keep me from thinking about how lonely and anxious I am.
- 這機器經使用後,很快就會更好使了。
The machine will soon be easier with use.
- 我的新鋼筆很好使。
My new pen writes well.
- 我的車仍能正常開動,雖然沒有象以前那么好使了。
My old car still keeps going although it has seen better days.
- 友好使節
a goodwill mission
- 不好使了。
It doesnt work.
- 北海石油公司剛好使英國恢復了活力。
North Sea Oil has given Britain a blood transfusion, and only just in time
- 如果經濟條件允許的話最好使用路由器。
If the economic conditions allow the best use of the router.