拼音:hào jié英文解釋:
catastrophe; great calamity【法】 havoc
巨大災難戰爭的浩劫 >>查看“浩劫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 這個城鎮設法逃過了戰爭的浩劫。The town managed to escape the rigours of war.
- 空前浩劫an unheard-of calamity
- 幸運的是,目前它們的數量遠無法達到完成此浩劫的目標。Fortunately, their numbers are far too few for such a scourge - so far.
- 終於我們又在一起了,聯合我們的力量,這個世界將滿布浩劫。Finally a soldier I can work with. Let us combine again and work havoc.
- 幸運的是,目前它們的數量遠無法達到完成此浩劫的目標。Fortunately, their numbers are far too few for such a scourge - so far
- 他預言將有一場世界性的浩劫。He predicted that there would be a world holocaust
- 人類的悲劇!人間的浩劫!A great and tragic human calamity!