拼音:háo fà 英文解釋:
a hair; the slightest中文解釋:
毛髮,比喻些許(多用於否定式)無毫髮爽。——《聊齋志異&... >>
查看“毫髮”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他縱身衝到了一輛迎面開來的列車下,卻不可思議般地毫髮未傷。
He dove under the on-coming train and somehow escaped with nary a scratch.
- 毫髮無損的擺脫了打鬧。
got out of the fracas with his nose unbloodied.
- 他很驚訝自己在車禍中毫髮未傷。
He is surprised to find himself whole after the car accident.
- 信念能使人行走在火焰的洪流中並毫髮無傷。
The faithful will walk through streams of fire and emerge unscathed.
- 他縱身衝到了一輛迎面開來的列車下,卻不可思議般地毫髮未傷。
He dove under the on-coming train and somehow escaped with nary a scratch
- 地板伸出坡面,因此毫髮無損地保留了原地一棵150年的鐵木樹。
The floor is elevated, leaving intact a 150-year-old ironwood tree