字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>毫不懷疑的英文翻譯


拼音:háo bù huái yí


make no doubt of


1.notashadeofdoubt  2.makenoquestionbutthat  3.beyondadoubt  4.beyondashadowofdoubt  5.makenodoubt  


  1. 約翰是那么容易受騙,竟毫不懷疑地相信喬的話。
    John was so easily fooled that he fell for Joe's story hook, line and sinker.
  2. 毫不懷疑你報告中的真實性。
    I don't doubt the veracity of your report.
  3. 關於你的能力我毫不懷疑
    I have no doubts as to your ability.
  4. 對此毫不懷疑
    I make no question of it.
  5. 我絲毫不懷疑他傳球、運球和射門的基本技術。
    I have no doubt of his basic skills in passing, dribbling and shooting.
  6. 他看起來那么誠實,我們毫不懷疑地相信了他講的話。
    He looked so honest that we accepted his story in faith.
  7. 我想您對此毫不懷疑吧?
    I suppose you have no doubt about that ?
