拼音:hān shēng英文解釋:
snore; stertor【醫】 stertor
(1) ∶打鼾的噪聲鼾聲如雷(2) ∶深沉的鼻息聲(如四足動物發出的) >>查看“鼾聲”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 那邊房間有人打鼾聲音很大她無法入睡。Loud snores from the other room kept her awake.
- 他的鼾聲把她驚醒了。His snores woke her up.
- 他的鼾聲吵醒了我。His snores woke me up.
- 鼾聲迅速響起,仿佛在嘲笑他的無能。The sound of snoring quickly arose, as if mocking his incompetence.
- 哎,我先生鼾聲好大。Oh, my husband is snoring so loudly.
- 我丈夫的打鼾聲使我無法忍受。My husband’s snoring is more than flesh and blood can stand.