拼音:hàn qíng英文解釋:
ravages of a drought中文解釋:
乾旱的情況 >>查看“旱情”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 只盼下場透雨,解除旱情。A saturating rain was expected to end the drought
- 只盼下場透雨,解除旱情。A saturating rain was expected to end the drought.
- 旱情已趨緩和。The drought has eased up.
- 這就緩和了長江以北地區的旱情。This relieved the drought menace in areas north of the Changjiang River.
- 斷斷續續的陣雨及時解除了旱情,使冬小麥長得飽滿起來。Intervening showers broke the drought in time to fill out winter wheat.