拼音:hán qì英文解釋:
algidity; chilliness中文解釋:
(1) ∶低溫狀況;寒性寒氣太重(2) ∶寒冷的氣;冷的氣流寒氣透心涼 >>查看“寒氣”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 我感到寒氣刺骨。The icy chill ate into my bones.
- 一陣寒氣掠過她的背脊。A chill ran up her spine.
- 寒氣溫和但有穿透力的寒冷A moderate but penetrating coldness
- 寒氣逼人。There is a cold nip in the air
- 一陣寒氣掠過她的背脊。A chill ran up her spine
- 喝一口擋擋夜裡的寒氣。Have a drop It'll ward off the cold of the night
- 喝一口擋擋夜裡的寒氣。Have a drop. It'll ward off the cold of the night.
- 寒氣襲人。The air had a frosty bite