拼音:hàn máo 英文解釋:
fine hair on the human body中文解釋:
(1) ∶除頭髮、鬍子外人體其餘部分優質柔軟的毛髮曬黑的手臂上薄薄地覆蓋著一層... >>
查看“汗毛”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
glandularhair(s) 2.
lanugo 3.
down 4.
finehair 相關對話:
- 夜晚萬籟俱寂時突然聽到一聲尖叫,嚇得我汗毛直豎。
My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night.
- 這種化妝品能清除臉上的汗毛。
The cream dissolves facial hair.
- 那小男孩的臉上漸漸長出了汗毛。
The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy's face.
- 阿富汗毛毯有相似花紋的毛毯
A carpet of similar design.
- 詹姆斯開始講鬼故事的時候,有點讓人汗毛直豎。
It got a bit spooky when James started telling ghost stories
- 他那雙巨手的手背上滿是濃密的黑汗毛。
The backs of his huge hands were covered in thick black hair.
- 毛髮豎立,雞皮疙瘩汗毛因恐懼或寒冷而豎立;雞皮疙瘩
The bristling of the body hair, as from fear or cold; goose bumps.
- 他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直豎。
His ghost story made my flesh creep.