拼音:háng zhèng guǎn lǐ 英文解釋:
【法】 executive command; public administration相關對話:
- 他一直是個行政管理人員。
He was first and last an administrator.
- 他認為行政管理上的這些瑣事都不值一顧。
He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.
- 組建一個行政管理機構的任務落到了他身上。
It fell to his lot to form an administration.
- 我同洛斯行政管理說話行嗎?
All right if I speak to Mr. Ross
- HUST管理學院現代行政管理體系的一個實證研究
A Study in Modern Administrative System of Management School of HUST
- 我國稅務行政管理效率研究
A Study on the Tax Administration Efficiency in China
- 系主任如大學裡的一個系的行政管理頭腦,
The administrative head of a department of instruction, as at a college