拼音:háng kōng mǔ jiàn英文翻譯
aircraft carrier; flattop; floating aerodrome【機】 aeroplane carrier; aircraft carrier
1.flyingcarrier 2.floatingaerodrome 3.craftcarrier 4.airplanecarrier 5.aeroplanecarrier 6.flattop 7.flattop 8.airplanemothership 9.mother-ship 10.carrier(CARR) 11.birdfarm例句:
- 這艘新航空母艦由王后正式下令下海使用。The new aircraft carrier was officially launched into the sea by the queen.
- 彈射器以適於飛行速度的發射航空器的一種機械裝置,如從航空母艦的甲板上發射A mechanism for launching aircraft at a speed sufficient for flight, as from the deck of a carrier.