拼音:háng kōng gōng sī英文翻譯
【法】 air line相關詞條:
1.airways 2.air-line 3.airlines 4.airway 5.aircarrier 6.airlineindustry例句:
- 這家航空公司只經營貨運業務。The aircraft company deals with freight only.
- 航班時刻表可以向航空公司免費索取。The timetable is obtainable post-free from the airline office.
- 你的這一班機是英國航空公司的飛機。Your carrier for this flight is British Airways.
- 航空公司因有幾架飛機暫時不能使用而正在賠錢。With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.
- 王先生是法國航空公司的一名職員。Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline.