- 我現在在道格拉斯路上的漢堡王裝著條。
Jiff: Currently, I'm packing fries at the Burger King on Douglas.
- 還在猶豫什麼,歡迎您來申請加入漢堡王大家庭。
You are welcome to apply to join the Burger King Family.
- 這附近有漢堡王嗎?
Be there a burg king around< near> here
- 《時代》周刊稱,我們每天要吃兩百四十萬個漢堡王的漢堡包。
Time says we eat 2,400,000 Burger King hamburgers a day
- 漢堡王表示他們還在努力尋找另一種烹飪油。
Burger King says it is still working on finding another one.
- 每天賽過六局之後,就去漢堡王快餐店了。
Then, after six innings, back to Burger King.
- 或許可在漢堡王工作。
Maybe I could work at Burger King.
- 《時代》周刊稱,我們每天要吃兩百四十萬個漢堡王的漢堡包。
Time says we eat 2,400,000 Burger King hamburgers a day.