拼音:hǎi sǔn 英文解釋:
【經】 marine loss; sea damage中文解釋:
①貨物在海運中受到的損失。②船舶在海上航行中受到損壞。 >>
查看“海損”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
marineloss 相關對話:
- 平安險(單獨海損不賠)
Insurance free of(from) particular average(FPA).
- 海損法的符合海損法的估算的
Assessed in accordance with the laws of average.
- 海損由於海上風險造成的船或貨的損失
The loss of a ship or cargo, caused by damage at sea
- 破損險是一種單獨海損,對嗎
The risk of breakage is a particular average, is not it
- 這屬於單獨海損範圍。
This is a part of shipping damage
- 破損險是一種單獨海損,對嗎?
The risk of breakage is a particular average, is not it?
- 海損索賠因海損而導致的索賠
A charge incurred through such a loss
- 海損由於海上風險造成的船或貨的損失
The loss of a ship or cargo, caused by damage at sea.