拼音:hǎi bīn英文翻譯
plage; seashore; shore; strand相關詞條:
1.plage 2.shore 3.strand 4.seastrand 5.seaside 6.seashore 7.seacoast 8.beach 9.coast 10.seacoast 11.sea-shore 12.seabeach 13.seaoard 14.oceanfront 15.rivage例句:
- 父親想到鄉下去,可是孩子們吵著要去海濱。Father wanted to go to the country, but the children were whooping it up for the beach.
- 我們在海濱痛痛快快地玩了一天。We spent a heavenly day at the beach.
- 他從海濱回來的時候給我們買了一些華而不實的工藝品做禮物。He bought us some gingerbread works as present when he returned from the beach.
- 我喜歡沿著海濱散步。I like to walk along the seashore.
- 冬季是海濱旅館業的淡季。Winter is the low season at seaside hotels.
- 她在海濱擁有自己的房子。She owns a house at the seaside.
- 她按照通常的習慣,在海濱別墅度過了星期天。She followed her usual custom of spending Sunday at her villa at the seaside.
海濱的意思 ∶與海鄰接的陸地海濱療養院 ∶漸漸斜下的洋岸、海岸,覆蓋著沙子、礫石或稍大的岩石碎片的河岸通常原先位於水面之上,且不長草木,亦指沿岸沉積的沙子、礫石或岩片的海岸地帶詳細解釋近海之處;海邊。《書·禹貢

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