拼音:gǔ zi英文解釋:
frame; ribs中文解釋:
物體中起支撐作用的架子扇骨子傘骨子 >>查看“骨子”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 傘骨子umbrella frame; the ribs of an umbrella
- 我表面上充滿自信,但骨子裡頭緊張極了I seem confident, but underneath it all I am terribly nervous
- 骨子里你是無賴。In kind you are a rascal
- 他們表面上溫文有禮,骨子里卻是野蠻殘忍。They’re brutal people behind their civilised veneer.
- 扇骨子the ribs of a fan
- 因為清教徒骨子里是一場《聖經》運動。For Puritanism was, above all else, a Bible movement