字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>僱主的英文翻譯


拼音:gù zhǔ


employer; hirer
【經】 employer; employer employee payroll tax; hirer


1.guvnor  2.hirer  3.master  4.gangmaster  


  1. 他們與僱主達成的協定是他們在工資方面降低要求,但每周工時要縮短。
    The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
  2. 她應當受到僱主善待
    She deserves well of her employers.
  3. 僱主們的協定終於達成了。
    An agreement with the employers was finally worked out.
  4. 我們決定就工資問題僱主談判。
    We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.
  5. 奉承僱主的那副奴顏婢膝的嘴臉令我噁心。
    His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me.
  6. 汽車工業是我們最大的僱主之一
    The car industry is one of our biggest employers.
  7. 她控告僱主無理解僱工人。
    She sued her employer for unfair dismissal.
  8. 罷工者與僱主已達成協定。
    The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.


僱主的意思 以工資雇用人員的企業主商業經營人或制造業廠商詳細解釋雇用僱工或車、船的人。 魯迅 《南腔北調集·<一個人的受難>序》:“生產之後,即被別人所斥逐,不過我不知道斥逐她的是僱主,還是她的父親。”
