拼音:gǔ xuǎn英文解釋:
【醫】 crotch itch; dermatitis rimosa; eczema marginatumepidermophytosis cruris; jock itch; ringworm of genitocrural region
tinea cruris; tinea inguinalis
侵害大腿內側的一種淺在黴菌感染皮膚病 >>查看“股癬”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 請問這是股癬嗎?Is excuse me this a tinea?
- 請問這是股癬嗎?Is excuse me this a tinea
- 是別的皮膚病,不是股癬!It is other skin disease, not be a tinea!
- 發生於大腿根部的癬則稱為股癬。The tinea that happens at ham root ministry calls a tinea