拼音:gù quán英文解釋:
show consideration for and take care to preserve中文解釋:
顧及,使不受損害顧全名譽顧全面子 >>查看“顧全”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 我想談一談顧全大局的問題。I want to talk about the question of considering the general interest.
- 照顧全局,從實際出發,這兩個觀點缺一不可。Neither of these two approaches is dispensable.
- 這就是照顧全局的觀點。This is what is meant by considering the situation as a whole
- 照顧全局take the whole into account; consider the situation as a whole
- 團結協作,顧全大局。Unity and co-operation, take the interests of the whole into account.