拼音:gǔ pén英文解釋:
pelvis【醫】 basin; pelves; pelvis; pelyco-
人和許多脊椎動物的骨骼盆狀結構,它由髖骨、骶骨及尾骨圍成 >>查看“骨盆”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 他兒子出現骨盆骨折。His son suffered from a fractured pelvis.
- 慢性無菌前列腺炎/慢性骨盆痛的病原學是不知道的。The etiology of CNP/CPPS is not understood.
- 臀部人體上接近骨盆的部位The rear pelvic area of the human body.
- 骨盆前突脫衣舞中骨盆前突A forward thrust of the pelvis, as in a burlesque striptease
- l、螺旋CTSSD、VRT重建是診斷骨盆及骸臼骨折的有效手段。VRT was not talstically sighficant of pelvis and acetabularfractUres.
- 由於細菌感染而導致的腎臟及骨盆發炎。inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis caused by bacterial infection.