拼音:guǒ zhēn 英文解釋:
if really中文解釋:
(1) ∶同“果然”進屋一看,果真小王還在(2) ∶表示... >>
查看“果真”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 若果真如此,那蒂蒂寧真可以說是位有遠見的人。
Tiitinen can rightly claim to be a visionary
- 果真如此, 我就放心了。
If this is really true, it'll take a load off my mind.
- 如果真在轉機時掉了,會跟下班機來嗎?
If it did miss the connection, will it arrive on the next flight?
- 果真如此,那太好了。
If so, that will be wonderful.
- 如果真要說影響,大眾將這些自白視為歐巴馬坦誠直率的表現。
If anything, they have been taken as a sign of candour
- 果真,他按時到了。
Sure enough, he arrived on time.
- 果真今天天氣酷熱,我們就不會待在家裡了。
If it were to be hot to day, we will not stay home.
- 如果真有事情發生,我們可以把這個當成緊急口糧使用.
If something really does happen,we can use this as emergency rations.