拼音:guó wù qīng英文解釋:
Secretary of State【法】 secretarial of state
主管外交事務的政府內閣成員,美利堅合眾國的國務卿為國務院的領導人 >>查看“國務卿”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 他(里根)派國務卿舒爾茲到國會山莊去給意志動搖的共和黨議員打氣。He(Reagan) sent Secretary of State Shultz to Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.
- 國務卿目前正在考慮該項建議。The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal.
- 國務卿來到參議院處交關係委員會面前。The secretary of state appear before the senate foreign relation committee.
- 總統和國務卿是政府官員。The President and the Secretary of State are government officials.
- 國務卿可以發布支出的指導原則。The secretary of state can issue guidelines for expenditure.
- 他被總統任命為新國務卿。He was designated by the President as the next Secretary of State.
- 國務卿目前正在考慮該項建議.The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal.