字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>過往的英文翻譯 “過往”的日文翻譯


拼音:guò wǎng


associate with; come and go


(1) ∶過去路上過往的人很多(2) ∶來往,交往他們是好朋友,過往很密 >>查看“過往”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 導致了過往文明的衰落.
    that had led to the decay of past civilizations.
  2. 他與我兄弟過往甚密。
    He is thick with my brothers.
  3. 過往的車輛把牆上濺得滿是泥。
    Passing vehicles splashed the wall up with mud.
  4. 有時我覺得這房子會被過往的飛機撞塌。
    Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane
  5. 由於過往的行人如此多,這樓梯磨損了不少。
    The stairs have rubbed away with the passing of so many feet.
  6. 還有我罪孽未贖的過往
    It was my past of unatoned sins.
  7. 旅館裡的過往客人
    transients at a hotel
  8. 一列過往火車迸發出的一些火花點著了乾草堆。
    Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire.
