拼音:guó wài de英文解釋:
abroad; external; overseas相關詞條:
- 賈尼斯的最佳時期來了,因為現在需要用的語言知識來同國外的顧客打交道。Janice has come into her own now that her knowledge of languages is needed to with overseas customers.
- 易三倉的學生有轉學國外的機會。Au students have opportunities to study or transfer abroad.
- 在國外的一個城市出差On business in a foreign city
- 麥糟在國外的綜合利用現狀The Comprehensive Utilization of Brewer?s Spent Grains Abroad
- 在國外的一個城市出差On business in a foreign city.
- 我有一個住在國外的成年兒子。I have a grown-up son who lives abroad