拼音:guò rè qì 英文解釋:
【化】 overheater; superheater相關詞條:
superheater 2.
suphtr 3.
superheaterunit 例句:
- 鍋爐過熱器管爆管分析
Analysis of Bursting of Superheated Pipe on a Boiler
- 進口等徑三通的渦流效應及對過熱器壽命的影響
Eddy Effect of Tee Junction and Its Influence on Lifespan of Superheater
- 過熱器出口集箱管座更換的處理方法
Method for Replacement of Tube Holder for Super-heater Exit Case
- 鍋爐過熱器系統的動態仿真模型
Dynamic Simulation Model for a Boiler Superheater System
- 鍋爐過熱器匯流集箱流動機理研究
A Study of the Flow Mechanism in the Collector of a Boiler Superheater
- SHL20-25/400-A型鍋爐過熱器爆管的處理
The treatment on the broken tube of superheater in SHL20-25/400-A boiler