拼音:guǒ pí英文解釋:
peel; pericarp; rind; seedcase【醫】 peel; pericarp; pericarpium
果實外殼或外皮 >>查看“果皮”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 咱們把這些果皮紙屑清除掉。Let`s clear up this litter.
- 蘋果梨果皮衰老及褐變的研究Study on the Senescence and Browning of the Pericarp of Apple-pear
- 果實都有果皮和種子。S: The fruits have peel and seeds.
- 香蕉除了果皮之外,主要是果肉。A banana is mainly pulp, except for its skin
- 外果皮果皮的最外層The outermost layer of the fruit wall.
- 我們說桔子皮,苹果皮,土豆皮。One speaks of orange peel, and apple peel, and tomato skin.
- 冬瓜Benincasa hispida果皮結構與防腐性能的關係Pericarp Structure and Antiseptic Characteristic of Benincasa hispida
- 不準亂丟紙屑果皮!No litter!