字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>國內的的英文翻譯


拼音:guó nèi de


domestic; internal; home; inland; intestine
【經】 inland; internal


1.civil  2.interior  3.intranational  


  1. 這個公司不得不動用其海外投資款項來應付其國內的財政危機。
    The company had to dip into its investments overseas to meet its financial crisis at home.
  2. 在國外的美國人和在國內的美國人,一樣受到政府的保護。
    Americans abroad are protected by the government like Americans at home.
  3. 近十年來國內的弗羅斯特研究綜述
    Summary of Frost Studies in Recent Ten Years in China Mainland
  4. 不久他們就生產了足夠產品來滿足國內的需求了。
    Soon they produced enough to satisfy domestic demands.
  5. 今晚國內的一些智囊人物雲集在這裡。
    Some of the best brains in the country are here tonight.
  6. 男士:是國內的還是國際的?
    Is it domestic or international?
  7. 他們的業務局限於國內的一小部分地區。
    Their business was reduced to only a small part of the country
