拼音:guǒ gǎn 英文解釋:
courageous and resolute
當機立斷,敢作敢為毛主席指揮全軍,以機動果敢的行動,迅速回師桐梓,擺脫敵人。&m... >>
查看“果敢”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他不是果敢地去面對困難, 而是抱怨自己運氣不佳。
He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties.
- 她是一個果敢的女人。
She was a resolute woman
- 由於採取了一系列出人意料的果敢措施,這個國家倖免於戰禍。
By a series of bold strokes, the country was saved from war.
- 因此,隧道規劃師不但要果敢而且還要富有遠見。
Planners of tunnels can now be bold and visionary.
- 事業心,魄力果敢的事業心;創造力或進取精神
Boldness of enterprise; initiative or aggressiveness.
- 由於採取了一系列出人意料的果敢措施,這個國家倖免於戰禍。
By a series of bold strokes, the country was saved from war