拼音:guò děi qù 英文解釋:
be able to pass; so-so中文解釋:
(1).過意得去。多用於反問。《二刻拍案驚奇》卷十五:“﹝婦人﹞尋思一回道:‘家... >>
查看“過得去”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
notamiss 2.
onlymiddling 3.
withinthemark 例句:
- 有一個固定職業還得拚命幹才能過得去。
Have a regular job and still have to struggle to make end meet.
- 他的工作過得去,但他還能做得更快一點。
His work is all right but he could be faster.
- 還過得去,謝謝。
So-so, thanks.
- 過得去的表演
a tolerable performance
- 不賺錢我們也過得去。
We can afford not to make money.
- 還算過得去。
Just so-so.
- 有一個固定職業還得拚命幹才能過得去。
Have a regular job and still have to struggle to make end meet
- 過得去的工作水準
a passable standard of work