拼音:gǔn dòng tiáo英文解釋:
【計】 scroll bar相關詞條:
- 增加:為文本編輯器添加了滾動條。Added scrollbars to Text Editor.
- 初始化滾動條的範圍和位置。Initialize the range and position of the scroll bar.
- 這是一個簡單的應用程式,帶有三個滾動條,標號為R,G,B。A simple application, with three scroll bars, labeled R, G, and B
- 這是一個簡單的應用程式,帶有三個滾動條,標號為R,G,B。A simple application, with three scroll bars, labeled R, G, and B.
- 更新滾動條滑塊的位置。Update the position of the scroll bar thumb.
- 操縱所有到滾動條的滑鼠訊息的處理。Handle all processing of mouse messages to the scroll bar.