- 正當他們準備返航時,一次強烈的風暴阻斷了他們的歸途,而他們又遇到了意想不到的困難。
But as they are about to return, an unprecedented storm descends on the area and blocks their way home. To make things worse something unexpected happens.
- 我們歸途中不太順心。
Our journey home was pretty traumatic.
- 正當他們準備返航時,一次強烈的風暴阻斷了他們的歸途,而他們又遇到了意想不到的困難。
home. To make things worse something unexpected happens
- 歸途中在酒館逗留片刻
Stop off at the pub on the way home
- 此刻,他正準備騎上腳踏車,踏上歸途。
He is now preparing to return home by bicycle.
- 現在,他們駛上了歸途。
Now they are on their way back.
- 我們在歸途中從好幾個村子旁邊經過。
We came by several villages on our way back.