拼音:guì pí英文解釋:
cassia bark【化】 cassia bark
【醫】 cassia; cassia bark; cassia cinnamon; cinnamon; cortex cinnamomi
(1).桂皮樹。常綠喬木,葉呈卵形,有三條葉脈,花小,黃色,果實黑色。樹皮可供藥... >>查看“桂皮”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cinnamontree 2.cortexcinnamomi 3.cinnamonbark 4.cassialignea相關對話:
- 這下好啦,沒有桂皮粉我那道著名的蘋果派怎么做?Well, how can I make my famous apple pie without cinnamon?
- 薄層色譜法分離鑑定複方葛根合劑中桂皮醛、芍藥甙和甘草次酸Separation and Indentification of compound Gegen mixture by TLC
- 17我又用沒藥、沉香、桂皮,薰了我的榻。I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.
- 是不是我們忘了買桂皮粉?Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon?
- 箴7:17我又用沒藥,沉香,桂皮,薰了我的榻。Pro 7:17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
- 我的蘋果派就是靠它出名的---桂皮粉。the reason my apple pie is famous--cinnamon.
- 肉桂,牧桂生桂皮的樹木A plant yielding this bark