拼音:guī guī jǔ jǔ英文解釋:
exactitude【法】 good behaviour
指人的品行方正,謹守禮法。 >>查看“規規矩矩”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 勒令某人規規矩矩Bind sb. over to good behavior
- 中士很快就把新兵訓練得規規矩矩A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape
- 現在不準胡鬧,在教堂里要規規矩矩的。No larking about, now, behave yourselves in church.
- 不論比賽是輸是贏,那個隊的隊員總是規規矩矩的。The members of the team always play fair, win or lose.
- 我們做生意規規矩矩。We are upright in our business dealings.
- 我始終儘量做到規規矩矩。I try to be on my best behaviour all the time.