拼音:guì fù 英文解釋:
通常是年紀大和具有高貴社會或職業威望、崇高地位、非常尊貴或儀表堂堂的女人 >>
查看“貴婦”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
womanofquality 2.
ladyofquality 3.
senhora 4.
dowager 5.
Juno 相關對話:
- 鏡頭慢慢轉向坐在角落裡的那位貴婦人。
The camera pan slowly across to the lady sit in the corner.
- 他的企圖是完全高貴的;那就是,以結婚為手段來奪取貴婦人的財產。
His designs were strictly honourable; that is, to rob a lady of her fortune by way of marriage.
- 天公終於勉強把我造成一位貴婦人。
Providence have make me a lady after a fashion.
- 她舉手投足就像個愛支使人的貴婦。
She acts like a little madam
- 王后,公主,貴婦指穆斯林貴族婦女
A Moslem woman of rank
- 適合於貴婦人的或成為貴婦人的
Appropriate for or becoming to a lady
- 鏡頭慢慢轉向坐在角落裡的那位貴婦人。
The camera pan slowly across to the lady sit in the corner.
- 她把自己打扮成一位貴婦人。
She was dressed up as a lady of high society.