拼音:guī dàng英文解釋:
file; pigeonhole【計】 archiving
【經】 filing
把各種有關的公文材料分類整理並保存起來所有資料應歸檔 >>查看“歸檔”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.fileoff 2.filing 3.filing-up 4.archiving 5.onfile 6.archivism 7.fileaway相關對話:
- "瑪麗小姐,請把這份檔案歸檔。""Please file this paper away, Miss Mary."
- 職員在辦公室工作的人員,從事諸如保管檔案記錄、保持通信聯繫或歸檔備案等工作A person who works in an office performing such tasks as keeping records, attending to correspondence, or filing.
- 他把信件歸檔保存,一旦需要就可以立刻找到。He keeps a file of letters so he can get his hands on one whenever he needs it.
- 我們必須把公文歸檔工作弄出些條理來。We must get some method into our office filing.