拼音:guān xīn英文解釋:
care; concern; look after; be regardful of; regard; respectshow solicitude for; think of
(1) ∶留意,注意他的身體漸漸不好了。他仍然關心氣候的變化。—&m... >>查看“關心”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 冷淡的或漠不關心的。aloof or indifferent.
- 只關心那一個人的。Cr. Of one man only.
- 忽視自己的職責,不關心。the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern.
- 共同關心的問題a question of common interest
- 每個人都關心自己國家的前途。Everybody is concerned about the future of his country.
- 關心瑣事的,輕浮的Concerned with or involving trivia.
- 他十分關心他的汽車.He gives all his attention to his car
- 他對我漠不關心。He treated me with indifference.