拼音:guān wàng 英文解釋:
drift; look on; ride the fence; straddle
(1) ∶置身事外靜觀事態發展名為救趙,實持兩端以觀望。—&mdas... >>
查看“觀望”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
towaitandsee 例句:
- 她透過帘子的縫隙觀望。
She looked through a crack in the curtains.
- 旁觀者一旁觀望者,一位觀眾
One that looks on; a spectator.
- 對任何事情我都不打算騎牆觀望。
I'm not going to ride the fence on any issue.
- 採取觀望態度
take a wait-and-see attitude
- 觀察、察看、觀望的行為動作。
the act of looking or seeing or observing.
- 於是轉而採取了觀望的態度。
He started to hold aloof.
- 旁觀者一旁觀望者,一位觀眾
One that looks on; a spectator
- 我們抬頭觀望高高聳立的遍布岩石的山峰。
We looked up at the rocky peaks towering above us.