拼音:guān jié yán英文解釋:
arthritis【醫】 arthritides; arthritis; arthrophlogosis; arthrositis
inflammatory arthropathy
由感染性、代謝性或體質性原因而引起的一個或多個關節的炎症 >>查看“關節炎”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 痛風是關節炎的一種。Gout is a form of arthritis.
- 股骨斷截骨術’都是針對關節炎嚴重的狗狗的手術。Femoral head ostectomy is a surgery performed on severely arthritic dogs.
- 抗CCP、抗RA33和RF在類風濕關節炎診斷中的作用Diagnosis value of anti-CCP、anti-RA33 and RF in rheumatoid arthritis
- 青藤鹼對膠原誘導性關節炎大鼠滑膜細胞凋亡的影響Effect of sinomenine on apoptosis of synoviocytes in CIA rats
- 摘要痛風性腎病變通常是一個嚴重性痛風關節炎的晚期表現。Gouty nephropathy is usually a late manifestation of severe gouty arthritis
- ~(99m)TC-MDP骨關節顯像在早期類風濕關節炎中的臨床價值Value of ~(99m)Tc-MDP bone imaging in early rheumatoid arthritis
- 雷公藤多甙對大鼠膠原免疫性關節炎黏膜免疫的影響Effect of TWP on Mucosal Immune of CIA Rats
- 骨關節炎源於關節軟骨的磨損破壞甚至喪失。Osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear with loss of articular cartilage.