拼音:guāng tū tū英文解釋:
bald; bare中文解釋:
形容沒有草木、樹葉、毛髮等蓋著牡丹被人譽為花王,但南園花市上的牡丹大抵光禿禿不見... >>查看“光禿禿”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他的腦袋光禿禿的。He’s bald as an eagle.
- 只有一面光禿禿的牆。It faced a blank wall
- 冬天光禿禿的樹在蒼白的天空的襯托下輪廓更加清晰。The bareshapes of the winter trees stood out against the pale sky.
- 把光禿禿的荒山變成翠綠的果園turn the barren hill into a green orchard
- 草坪上光禿禿的一塊A bald spot on the lawn
- 光禿禿的山坡a naked hillside
- 草坪上光禿禿的一塊A bald spot on the lawn.
- 在地平線上現出一排光禿禿的樹。There are a line of bald trees silhouette against the horizon.