拼音:guāng míng de 英文解釋:
bright; luciferous; promising相關對話:
- 你們年輕人都有無限光明的前途。
There is an infinitely bright future ahead of you young people.
- 光明的充滿光的;被照明的
Full of light; illuminated.
- 儘管鬥爭道路是曲折的,我們的前途是光明的。
Tortuous as the road of struggle is, our prospects are bright.
- 因而在醫學診斷及治療領域有著光明的套用前景,成為醫學成像領域發展迅速的一個分支。
And that is what makes it a medical imaging method with bright future
- 隨著光明的逝去,我們都變老了。
As the years wore on, we grew old.
- 未來將為我們展現出光明的前景。
The future will open out bright prospects for us.
- 計算機圖形和計算機圖形教學有著非常光明的發展前途。
Both Computer Graphics and its teaching have a very bright future
- “只要我們給予客戶物有所值的產品,我們的前景是光明的,”他說。
“ Our prospects are good as long as we offer value for money,” he says.