字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>光敏的英文翻譯


拼音:guāng mǐn




  1. 在總共 39個株系中 ,僅發現 3個為光敏型 .
    Only 3 out of all the 39 DHS and Hs lines were photo sensitive.
  2. 這樣一枚高質量的光敏印章就可以交付使用了。
    After above steps, a high quality photosensitive seal is ready for use
  3. 光敏劑CPD_4對血管內皮細胞的光敏效應
    Effect of CPD_4 photodynamic therapy on endothelial cell in vitro
  4. 視紫藍質;視青紫素一種存在於眼睛的視網膜錐體上的紫色的,光敏色素
    A violet, light-sensitive pigment found in the retinal cones of the eye.
  5. 光照在CdS光敏電阻中引起的噪聲
    Noise in CdS Photoresistance Due to Illumination
  6. 光敏
    sensitization of luminescence
  7. 光敏的,感光的對光線或其它光源敏感的或有感應的
    Sensitive or responsive to light or other radiant energy.
  8. 光敏的,光激活的能以光電形式對光反應的
    Capable of responding to light photoelectrically.
