拼音:guāng huī英文解釋:
brilliance; glory; flame; glisten; glow; radiance; ray; splendor【機】 brillancy
光明,燦爛我們生活在一個開闢人類新歷史的光輝時代。——《... >>查看“光輝”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 鑽石的光輝the fire of a diamond
- 你們年青人的前途光輝燦爛!You young kids have a bright future ahead of you!
- 那是極大的光輝和歡欣。That was a whole worldful of light and joy
- 為後人樹立了光輝的榜樣;當代傑出的男演員。set a lustrous example for others to follow; lustrous actors of the time
- 巴黎公社的原則閃耀著不滅的光輝。The principles of the Paris Commune radiates with eternal light.
- 月兒開始發出銀色的光輝。The moon began to show her silver flame.
- 顯揚,顯赫使出名,使光輝燦爛;慶賀To endow with fame or splendor; celebrate.
- 為後人樹立了光輝的榜樣;當代傑出的男演員。set a lustrous example for others to follow; lustrous actors of the time.