字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>光滑的的英文翻譯


拼音:guāng huá de


smooth; slippery; glossy; satin; sleek; slick
【醫】 glabrate; glabrous


  1. 試金石是一種紋理細密、表面光滑的黑色岩石,屬石英一類。
    Touchstone is a fine-grained velvety black rock, a kind of quartz
  2. 瓷漆畫乾後成堅硬、光滑的
    A paint that dries to a hard, glossy finish.
  3. 爬山者不牢靠地抓住了光滑的岩石。
    The climber had only a precarious hold on the slippery rock
  4. 光滑的表面是現代派廚房的特點。
    Sleek surfaces are a hallmark of the style
  5. 試金石是一種紋理細密、表面光滑的黑色岩石,屬石英一類。
    Touchstone is a fine-grained velvety black rock, a kind of quartz.
  6. 美國南部的光滑的褐色的卵形的堅果。
    smooth brown oval nut of south central United States.
  7. 里耳線用長纖維棉紡成的精細的、光滑的並緊密纏繞的線
    A fine, smooth, tightly twisted thread spun from long-stapled cotton
  8. 光滑的錫化物仔細裝飾了的陶器。
    highly decorated earthenware with a glaze of tin oxide.
