拼音:guǎng gào pái英文解釋:
billboard【經】 bill board
1.sandwichboard 2.advertisingboard 3.billboard 4.showcard相關對話:
- 順著這條街一直走到廣告牌處。Follow this road until you come to an ad. post.
- 在道路兩側路肩上懸掛廣告牌子的人。a person with advertising boards hanging from the shoulders
- 有一個廣告牌在時代廣場!With a billboard in Times Square!
- 他把精力投入到父親的廣告牌業務中。He ploughed his energies into his father’s billboard business.
- 顯眼的廣告牌a conspicuous billboard
- 城市中心的大部分建築物上都被廣告牌覆蓋Advertising sign cover most of the buildings in the centre of the to town.