拼音:guā liǎn英文解釋:
剃去臉上的鬍鬚和毫毛使之有光澤,整潔 >>查看“刮臉”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 起床後,我刮臉、刷牙和梳頭。After getting up, I shave, brush my teeth and comb my hair.
- (我也要洗頭和刮臉。請用一些去頭皮屑的藥膏。)I need a shampoo and a shave , too Please use a little dandruff remover
- 我通常早上7點刮臉。I usually shave at seven in the morning.
- 他將刮臉用具放入塑膠袋內。He put his shaving things into a plastic bag
- 他通常在刮臉前在下巴上塗上肥皂泡沫。He usually lathers his chin up before shaving.
- 他沒刮臉,頭髮也實需要剪一剪了。He was unshaven, and badly needed a haircut
- 刮臉刀,刮臉A razor, shave
- 理髮和刮臉。A hair cut and shave, please